Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Robotics Tutorial - 7 January 2008

A much awaited and planned event concerning robotics unleashed the IEEE string of activities for the year 2008. Thee event received an overwhelming participation from the tech-enthusiasts who wanted to know about the long & short of building one's own robot. Our Treasurer, M.Sai Krishna who is himself into robotics and has participated in several contests inside and outside the campus, took charge of the event. The presentation kicked off with the an explanation of the problem statements of the robotics event to be held in NIT Warangal's forthcoming techfest Technozion. He introduced the students to most of the mechanical parts, like the gears, motors etc. as well as the underlying circuit concepts that govern a robot's functioning, with the help of real models, pictures, videos, slides. Apart from the technical aspect, even the cost of many of the equipments was discussed which clearly rammed the popular belief that robotics was an expensive task.Students were encouraged to take steps in the direction of building robots and simple and useful tips like using tiffin boxes for the main body, pencil boxes for remotes made it sound like a child's play. The event closed with a some queries and invitation to students to participate in more and more discussions on the official robotics blog of IEEE Student Branch, NITW, SB is planning to get new robotics equipment for the members so that they can form a robotics interest group and get started with the work.The students are requested to share their experience of the event and also give feedback for the betterment of SB's activities.
Here are a few of the photos of the event. To view the images in a larger size, click on the image.

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