Saturday, August 7, 2010

IEEE Fresher's Quiz 2010

The much awaited event, IEEE Fresher’s Quiz was conducted by the IEEE Student Branch, NIT Warangal at the premises of NIT Warangal on the 5th of August 2010.

It saw an overwhelming response from the students of various branches as the turnout was far greater than expected and the hall was filled completely with enthusiastic audience.

The event began with an Aptitude Test consisting of about 25 questions based on various topics such as Electronics, Current Affairs, General Aptitude, etc. Mr. Mithun M. Bhaskar, a Student Member pursuing his Ph.D in NaBIA( Nature and Bio Inspired Algorithms for Power Systems) with the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, NIT Warangal addressed the audience on IEEE Student Membership after the Aptitude Test and answered their queries about the membership benefits, student activities, etc.

This was followed by a talk on the activities and achievements of Student Branch, NIT Warangal, by Mr. K. V. Karthik. Shortly after this, seven teams were selected for the further rounds.The following round was a General Quiz hosted by Mr. B. Phani Srikanth in which about 14 questions were posed to all the teams in total and a couple more questions to the audience. This round also consisted of a Visual Round in which the participants were to identity various eminent personalities associated with various fields from the clippings and the clues given to them. The succeeding round was a Rapid Fire Round in which about 7 questions were fired at the 7 teams. Team No 7, Arijit Patra and Nitesh Sharma, both from EEE proved their worth by answering the maximum number of questions correct and won the “Fresher’s Quiz 2010”.

Since there was a tie between two teams for the Runner Up position, few more questions were asked and Team No 3, Y. Raja Sekhar and Varun. T from Civil Engineering and ECE respectively won the Runner Up position. The name, “Dual Imagineers” fetched the “Best Team Name” award to Vamshi Pampari and Prashant Sriram from ECE and Mechanical Engineering respectively. The entire Quiz Round saw a very good participation from the audience as well. The Winning team won the subscription to “6 months of IEEE Student Membership” whereas the Runner Up Team and the team with the Best Team Name won goodies and free copies of “IEEE Spectrum” on behalf of the IEEE Student Branch, NIT Warangal. The entire event was a huge success and the Student Branch, NIT Warangal is looking forward to conducting many such quality events.

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