Monday, September 29, 2008

Know Your Branch

The student branch organized a freshmen-orientation programme to help the first year students understand the inside-out of what engineering is all about. The 3rd year student members lent their expertise on the major subjects of the 3 branches, the respective career prospects and scope of higher studies. The event recieved a warm response from the freshers and the students appreciated our efforts in all earnest.

Hyderabad Section Congress

The students from IEEE SB NITW actively participated in the Hyderabad Section Congress. 7 students attended the congress organized to celebrate the Silver Jubilee year of the congress. Branch Vice Chairman Aditya Maira also gave a presentation of the activities conducted by the branch in 2008 in addition to the tentative plan of activities for the next semester. The students from our branch also gave valuable contribution to the GINI congregation taking place parallelly at the same venue. Student volunteer Siva Swarup will be part of the GINI Zonal Congress to be held at Vizag on 27-29 Sept,2008.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Fresher's Quiz - 13th August'2008

'Catch them young' is the one of the several guiding forces for IEEE Student Branch of NIT Warangal as it aims at convincing the college students their nascent phase so that they truly realize the worth of their association with IEEE. It has also been noticed many times that the people who join IEEE in their initial year of undergraduate study are the ones who go on to lead the student branch in their senior years. In order to spot the prodigies, the SB organized a quiz exclusively for the freshmen during the first phase of this semester's activities. The event received a heartening response as a good 40 teams showed up for participation. 6 teams were shortlisted on the basis of an aptitude test and they were allowed to for the subsequent rounds which tested them on Basic Science and Engineering concepts. 50 % concession on IEEE membership for the next year was awarded to the winners of the quiz while the runners up walked away with 25% concession. This was not all as the Branch counselor Prof. Siva Sarma himself graced the event and made it more spirited. A special session took place soon after the quiz in which the benefits of joining IEEE were put forth and their queries were welcomed. The SB is open for new members and welcomes all the students across all branches and years to approach any of the members of executive body for queries and details about the procedure of joining IEEE.

Industrial tour - PETE Transformers

Someone said, "In theory there is no difference between theory and practice, but in practice there is. It doesn’t matter how beautiful your theory is it doesn’t matter how smart you are. If it doesn’t agree with the reality, its wrong." Sharing the same stance, IEEE Student Branch organized an Industrial tour for the budding engineers and researchers to come in close terms with the practical aspect of technology and tools used for the manufacture of transformers. A team of thirty six student members from different technical backgrounds assembled at a a common spot early in the morning, all set to start a day filled with lots of knowledge and fun. The four hour journey went smooth with just one stopover for breakfast. Upon reaching the company, the students split into two batches and went inside two different buildings, one manufacturing transformers below 1 MVA and the other, above 1 MVA. The highest rating of the transformer that the company had was 15 MVA. Technical staff from the company had commendable expertise in their domain of work and a couple of them explained every component of transformer to the students in a simple language. Many students admitted that there were lots of things which they saw because of the tour and otherwise would not have got a chance to see. The personnel were really generous to take the students to works division where everything was in its incipient stage, from the fins of transformers being made from metal press and rolling machine, the copper windings being covered with paper insulation, to the body of transformers being painted and dried. One of the assembled transformers was opened for repair and so the students even a got a chance to see core dipped in the oil. The visual memories that the student carried from that place would really go a long way in helping them relate the practice with theory. After a small break for lunch at a restaurant nearby, the batches merged and the whole team was led to the testing section where an actual transformer was being tested. The technical staff explained various kinds of tests to the students including the ratio test, winding test and more popular Short circuit and Open circuit tests. By the time the session concluded, the students felt physically exhausted yet mentally fulfilled and thoroughly enlightened about the subject. After a group photograph session, the bus started the return journey which lasted slightly longer because of the traffic at night. At the end of the day, everyone was glad to be a part of the tour. In fact, the members have started eyeing the next trip, for which the planning has already started.